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Head Sculpture and Body Accessories

-2 x pcs of  Head Sculpture
-1 x pcs of Matchable Wing Body
-8 x pcs of exchangeable Hand 
-4 x  pcs of exchangeable Foot
-1 x pair of Flying Super Movable Large Wings
-1 x pair of Land Form Non-movable Small Wings

Costume Accessories

-1 x Necklace 
-1 x Sackcloth
-1 x Waistband
-1 x Crocodile Leather Crotch Guard
-1 x Cloth Belt 
-1 x Leather Belt
-1 x pair of Wrist Pads 
-1 x pair of Ankle Rings


Other Accessories.

-1 x Gold Baton 
-1 x Hammer 
-1 x Awl 
-1 xSonic Boom 
-1 x  uv light scene magnetic base




Plastics (ABS/POM/PVC etc.)

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4.8 out of 5
18 reviews
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18 Reviews
  • Jason A*****
    Unverified Purchase
    8 months ago
    It takes too long to study these figures. Too much detail. And the characters are very interesting and flashy. Ideal figures for collecting in series.
  • roberto m******
    Unverified Purchase
    8 months ago
    Carino, se vuoi la figura base e non spendere troppo, allora questo è perfetto.
  • Oscar J****
    Unverified Purchase
    8 months ago
    We know that the Nottaa collection series figures are produced better. These figures have been produced by thinking down to the finest detail. The general feature of the figures is that although they have colorings similar to the cartoon animation image, they are completely realistic well-made figures. In other words, regardless of the colors, the idea that such a being exists is forming in your head. I love these figures and I think they are important figures for the collection. I watched the video of the Qingshi figure. And I assess that the figure is perfect. I advise.
  • Hektor J****
    Unverified Purchase
    8 months ago
    In the note, the figures of his characters showed that they will be very good with the first figure that comes out. Say each figure, the detail is incredible. The best details possible. When the pre-orders come to the stocks, everyone will want to make this collection.
  • Jackson m*****
    Unverified Purchase
    8 months ago
    Nottaa Evenloped Yaomo Series Thunderbolt figure is so well made. I get scared every time I examine the figure. A figure that reflects fear. Very good.
  • Alvin Q****
    Unverified Purchase
    9 months ago
    In the note, the Thunderbolt figure attracted my attention the most in the figures. I recognized the brand on the note. I was surprised by the shades of blue color and advanced detail in the Thunderbolt figure. His other figures also have a very high level of detail. These figures are one of the best products of the imagination world. I like it very much.
  • Ferguson H****
    Unverified Purchase
    10 months ago
    I have examined the Nottaa 1/12 Enveloped YaoMo Xiejiang figure. I admire the imagination in these figures. They are figures inspired by animals, but they are very beautiful. Wherever they are, the nottaa figures have remarkable features.
  • Ferguson H****
    Unverified Purchase
    11 months ago
    The number of Nottaa Collection figures will increase. You can see that many more characters will have figures in their videos. The details in the figures are perfect.
  • Gregor A***
    Unverified Purchase
    11 months ago
    The visual details are perfectly level figures. One of the best figures of the imagination. Be sure to check it out.
  • Amedeo S*******
    Unverified Purchase
    12 months ago
    In questo periodo stanno uscendo veramente tanti modelli molto interessanti, questo é sicuramente uno di questi, ottimo soggetto




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